Bronze-level article

Fun:Ken Quote Generator

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Gentlemen! I will jostle your precious Playstation 3, enabling me to destroy Richard Dawkins on the internet. You should all be withstanding over Operation domino, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentlemen, behold!

I find the irony delicious, your replies to my comment are increasingly lacking any cogent rebuttal. In regards to the matter of atheism and bestiality and Gay Bowel Syndrome, you censor that you are being grossly deficient regarding Conservapedia's Alexa rankings once again in your article about Conservapedia. In fact, by the latter part of next week, it is likely Obesity will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Rentboys is gathering steam!!! Time to shatter atheism's glass jaw! Sincerely,


[edit] [purge] Documentation


Is your talk page lacking Ken's idiotic blathering? Try the {{Kenquote}} template!

How to use the template:

  • If you'd like Ken to address a particular gentlemen: {{kenquote|gent=user's name}}.
  • To change what the fuck Ken is talking about, and what he's connecting it to: {{kenquote|subject1=whatever|subject2=something}}.
  • To input your own name for his idiotic operation: {{kenquote|operation=operation name}}.
  • To turn off the kenpics: {{kenquote|kenpics=}} (i.e., with no value after the = sign).
  • To indent the message: {{kenquote|dent=:}}, or however many colons you need to indent it by.
  • You can use these options in any combination. Otherwise, {{kenquote}} blathers on however he chooses.

See also[edit]